The existing routing protocol AODV supports three phases, Route Request (RREQ), Route Reply (RREP) and Packet Delivery. [2] Each node in a mesh network employing AODV contains a routing table, with entries to the different destination nodes it knows how to reach. A routing table entry is indexed by the destination address, and includes the address of the next hop in the path, the hop count to travel, a destination sequence number, a route neighbor list, and an expiration time. Should a node try to transmit data to another node that is not in its routing table, the node will attempt path discovery. Path discovery is performed by broadcasting a route request (RREQ) packet. The RREQ packet contains several namely source and destination addresses, source and destination sequence numbers, a broadcast ID, and a hop count. The source address and broadcast ID together uniquely identify a RREQ packet .Once the RREQ packet arrives at a node, the node that it has not received this particular RREQ packet; it drops the packet. It then checks its own routing table to see if it knows of a valid route to the destination. A route is valid if the routing table entry's destination sequence number is larger than the one present in the RREQ packet. If the routing table does not contain such a route, the node increments the hop count in the RREQ packet and rebroadcasts it. If a node does contain a valid route to the destination in its routing table, it unicasts a route reply (RREP) packet to the source node. Every node receiving the RREQ packet so far has kept in memory the address of the node that directly sent it the RREQ packet. This information is used to construct a reverse route back to the source for the RREP packet to follow. The RREP packet contains for source and destination addresses, destination sequence number, hop count, and lifetime. The source and destination correspond to the same source and destination of the RREQ packet. Each node that receives the RREP packet updates its routing table and retransmits the packet towards the source. If there is more than one node with a valid route, though, multiple RREP packets will be sent to nodes on the reverse path. To reduce bandwidth use without quality results, a node will only retransmit a RREP packet if the destination sequence number is greater than the one stored in its routing table. The source can act once it receives an RREP packet; meanwhile, nodes that received the RREQ packet but not the RREP packet will timeout, erasing their reverse path memory
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